Weekly Update

(Image above may not show up in email) This week, I focused on writing in Tales of a Vernian Youth, though I did spend some time on editing Manifestation of Prophecy. Tale 5 has been…interesting. It’s a really fun tale full of adventure and laughs, as I hope you expect by now. But it’s also…

Milestone reached!

Milestone reached! I’ve finished writing Act 2 of my latest story. My goal is to finish the first draft by the end of the month. Act 3 is exciting, action packed, and ridiculous, and I’m really looking forward to getting all these images in my head down into words. It’s the home stretch! Watch me…

Weekly Update

I did pretty good this week, and I’m definitely on target to reach and maybe even exceed my goal for NanoWriMo. This week, I finished ManiProphy! I’m so excited, and I’m very happy with it. An earlier iteration already went through developmental editing, but I’m sending it for another round to make sure I didn’t…

Magician’s Club – November 2023

Happy Samhain, Magician! Pull up a chair and prop those feet up on the table. You can even slip off your shoes if you’d like. Don’t worry. We’ve got air fresheners. The Grimoire: What’s up in Gaius Town? October was a busy month for me. I got a lot of writing done, but on a…

Weekly Update

(Image above may not show up in email) Another week, another few thousand words written. I’ve been focused on ManiProphy, and I’m getting so close to the end, it’s difficult to concentrate on anything else! I’m also working on finishing up editing of Tale 3 of Tales of a Vernian Youth. How has your week…

Weekly update

If you’re reading this in your email, don’t forget to click to the full post to see the image! Wow, Magicians. This week was a whirlwind of words! I haven’t written this many weekly words in a very long time, and it felt good. I’m so excited to be closing in on the ending to…

Weekly Update

Hey, Magicians! If you’re viewing this in your email, don’t forget to go to the post to see the image and to share your thoughts! Happy Friday. I’ve been working hard this week, and have done a fair bit of writing and editing. I wrote 4,091 words, and even though it isn’t listed in the…

Weekly update

This week, I made progress in writing Tales of a Vernian Youth Tale 5 and in editing Tale 3. My editing goal is to finish by the end of the year, and I’m on track to meet that goal. I’d like to get Tale 5 done as soon as possible, of course. I want to…

Celebrating small wins

I’ve been trying to make an effort lately to celebrate small wins. I’m very goal focused, but when those goals are lofty (like writing, editing, and publishing an entire novel), it helps to break it into smaller chunks. In that spirit, today I’m celebrating hitting 30,000 words for Tales of a Vernian Youth Tale 5…

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