Weekly Update

Hey, Magicians!

If you’re viewing this in your email, don’t forget to go to the post to see the image and to share your thoughts!

Happy Friday. I’ve been working hard this week, and have done a fair bit of writing and editing. I wrote 4,091 words, and even though it isn’t listed in the image, all HQ support tiers got a new episode of A Little Bit of Chaos Theory this week!

You also got your usual ManiProphy fix with two new episodes.

As I began editing Tales of a Vernian Youth: Tale 3, I quickly realized it needed A LOT of work. Tales 1&2 were pretty quick and painless. Somehow, Tale 3 just wasn’t as strong, so I’ve been moving things around and heavily editing it.

Once the ebook is out, I’ll update it here on Ream. Nothing about the story itself has changed. Although a couple of scenes have been flopped, the changes I’ve been making are to improve the quality of the writing and bring it up to par with Tales 1, 2, & 4.

I’ve also been having a think about physical rewards. One of my favorite ideas so far are custom collectable marbles. We’re still working our way towards the $50 goal to start physical rewards, but I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. What kinds of goodies would you like to see?

Love & light,


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