Become a Magician!

Exclusive content. Early access.

The Magician’s Club HQ is your one stop, unlimited access home for your favorite queer magical stories!

🔮 Choose your tier below and join the community today! 🔮


  • Support an indie author
  • Comment on episodes
  • Access to community posts with
  • behind the scenes info,
  • sneak peeks, and
  • whatever else my mind cooks up
  • Stories available:
  • The Teacher and the Lynchpin
  • Read samples of all additional stories.


Or save $10 when you pay annually.
Everything in Magician Admirer

  • Stories included:
  • Tales of a Vernian Youth Series
  • Manifestations Series
  • Devil’s Sanctuary
  • The Teacher and the Lynchpin
  • Additionally included:
  • Tales of a Vernian Youth Companion, which contains art, maps, and floorplans
  • ToVY Shorts: Short stories in the worlds of ToVY
  • Early access to new episodes
  • Access inline glossary, which includes definitions and humorous anecdotes

Future rewards

  • Free ebook download upon release
  • Physical rewards


Or save $30 when you pay annually.
Everything in Magician-In-Training

  • Additionally included:
  • All future stories
  • Guaranteed access to all future companions
  • Name in acknowledgements of published books*

Future rewards

  • Free ebook downloads
  • Physical rewards, including free paperback upon release (US only, international members only pay shipping)**

* To have your name included in a book, you must be a member during the month when the book’s files are finalized.

** To receive a free paperback, you must have been a Full Magician for a minimum of 3 months.


Or save $100 when you pay annually.
Everything in Full Magician

  • Opportunities to develop humorous asides with me (Gaius, the author 👋)*

Future rewards

  • Free ebook downloads
  • Store discounts
  • Physical rewards, including free paperback upon release (US only, international members only pay shipping)**

* Cadence of these meetings will be decided based on current writing projects.

** To receive free paperback, you must have paid for a minimum of 1 month as a Grand Magician.

Stories You’ll Find

A spherical, magical device with gold trimmings and buttons. The top is glowing white and gold sparkles are moving up from it. The title reads The Pirates and the Magic Computer.

Community Goals

Progress to next goal


Physical goodies unlocked! Type & frequency will be based on tier.


I will write an exclusive short story, the topic of which you will decide. The story will be available to all club HQ members, including followers.


Upgraded physical goodies reward! Type & frequency will be based on tier.


I will write another exclusive short story of the club's choosing. The story will be available to all club HQ members, including followers.


Commemorative physical goodies reward. Details will be announced as we get closer to this goal.


Commemorative physical goodies reward. Details will be announced as we get closer to this goal.


Congratulations! You've successfully unlocked the most I've ever made in my life. I have no idea what we'll do, but it's going to be damn special!

Select Your Payment Cycle
Select Your Payment Cycle
Select Your Payment Cycle
Enter Your Details
    Strength: Very Weak
    The following information will only be used to send you physical rewards.
    And just a few more to get to know you better (if you're curious, my birthday is July 11th, I love audiobooks, and I've read everything I've ever written)
    That's it. You've done it! Just one more button to click.
    Select Your Payment Method
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    Payment Summary

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    Plan Amount Due:

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    © 2024 All Rights Reserved | Gaius J. Augustus, PhD
    The Indigo Path

    All intellectual property on this website is the property of Gaius J. Augustus and should not be used as-is or in part without permission.

    Intellectual property not created by Gaius J. Augustus is royalty free and does not require attribution.