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If you found a bug, please contact me and let me know.

Playtime: 10-25 min
Platform: Unity

Behind the scenes

When I first decided to make a video game, the whole process seemed daunting! Even though I knew how to code and draw, making a game seemed wildly different. So I decided to follow my own advice, the advice I give to everyone I coach.

Start small.

So I decided to make a very small game. One character, no NPCs (non-playable characters), one location, and some puzzles. I wanted to do something science, so of course I went with CHEMISTRY!

I asked my partner to draw a character for me because they are insanely good at character sheets and it would save me some time. I took their drawings and put them into the computer, digitized them, and animated the character. And thus “Etuni” was born!

In order to limit the scope, I pulled assets that I had made for a separate project for the background, then drew the rest of the assets that I needed.

Then I opened Unity. I followed a tutorial to make the adventure game, and then Google and I worked together to figure out how to makes the puzzles and fix errors as they came up.

I hope you’ll take a few minutes to play. If you have any issues, please report them using my contact form.