Magician’s Club – June 2022

Behold! The Secrets of Beyond

What to expect in today’s digest:

  1. Upcoming episodes of Tales of a Vernian Youth
  2. Announcements of new projects and releases
  3. Cool promos & reads to add to your To-Be-Read list
  4. Today’s Magician Training

The Crystal Ball: Upcoming Episodes

Hi, Magician! It’s June, and that means that the summer solstice is almost upon us! During this time, I want to celebrate the growth I’ve had so far this year. And what could be more worth celebrating than having you here with me today!

Tales of a Vernian Youth

We’ll start with the usual celebration, a little future forecasting for my fantastic friend. Here are the titles of this month’s Tales of a Vernian Youth episodes.

  • Cheery and cluttered, a winning combination
  • Gotta have it
  • The Snitch
  • The shot heard round the docks
  • Blood Is Red

Read on Kindle Vella (US only)

Read on Laterpress (Global)

The Mind Probe: Upcoming Projects

New (very different) series: Clouds From Heaven

Another big celebration is in order! I’ve started publishing a new series under the pen name Gaia Jewel. It’s called Clouds From Heaven, and is a finished work that I’m publishing for the first time.

There are already over 10 episodes available for you to read.

A Fictional Memoir About Personal Empowerment, Learning What Love Is, & Surviving Trauma

When It Feels Like The World Is Against Her, She Has To Believe In Love.

Rachael is sure of one thing. Someday, someone will love her, and then she’ll become beautiful. Even meeting her best friend, who tries to save her from abuse at home and at school, isn’t enough. No matter how strong she is, she’s held back by insecurity. Until one day, she meets Moshe: handsome, kind, and treats her like a princess.

Will their romance blossom, or will her self doubt keep her from happiness?

The first 3 episodes are free to read!

Read on Kindle Vella (US only)

Read on Laterpress (Global)

What am I working on daily?

I’m excited to have quite a few new subscribers this month. If you’re one of them, thank you so much for being here. It’s inspiring to know that there are people out there interested in my work.

So what’s coming? Oh, you had to ask!

My first priority is getting more episodes of Tales of a Vernian Youth ready. Tale 3 is currently in the rewriting phase. Yes, I rewrite almost everything I work on, compare it against the original, and take the best for the final edited piece. Sometimes multiple rewrites happen because sometimes things just aren’t working and starting over is necessary.

But I have new stuff coming, too! As you’ve already seen, I recently started posting a new series under a new pen name. I also have a dark fantasy short story coming soon (it’s also in the rewriting phase). I’m hoping to get that one out sometime in June, but we’ll see. I haven’t decided which author name to put it under (maybe both), but you’ll be sure to hear about it once it’s out!

Maybe you are looking for something similar to Tales of a Vernian Youth? Well, I’m also working on a series of short stories about the worlds Octavian and Replika visit. Similar to the asides within the series itself, these stories will continue to mix genres, explore histories, and just have fun getting to spend a bit more time in these amazing worlds.

Whew, that’s a lot! But I’d like to hear from you. Are you excited for any of it? If you have any thoughts, hit reply and let me know. You might change my priorities.

Thanks for reading. I saw the macaroni drawing you added to the club fridge. Very nice!

Until next time,


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