Magician’s Club – June 2024

Welcome, Magician! Today, I want to explore the genre I write in: science fantasy. Let’s jump in!

What is science fantasy?

The simplest way to think of science fantasy is the blend of science fiction and fantasy. Typically, a science fantasy story will have some of the fantasical or supernatural elements that we all love in our fantasy stories, but provides scientific or “science-like” explanations for how the magic works.

How do I write science fantasy?

If you don’t know, I have a scientific background, having received my BSc in Chemistry and Biology and a PhD in Cancer Biology. I’ve been known to say “magic is just science we don’t understand yet.”

This is somewhat how I handle magic in my stories.

For example, in Tales of a Vernian Youth, my most popular series, magic and science are interchangeable. Students in the Magic World can attend a university that specializes in magic, and some of the specializations may sound familiar to you: Engineering & Technology, Life Sciences, etc. These “subdisciplines”, as they’re called in ToVY, are based in real areas of science.

However, in addition to learning how the natural world works, wannabe magicians also learn how to manipulate the natural world, ie, do magic. That’s the fantasy part.

Interested in where each of my stories fit on the science fantasy spectrum? Keep reading!

What about my other stories?

I think of most of my stories as science fantasy, but the amount of science and magic in them differs. In the below image, you can see where each of my stories sits on the science fantasy spectrum.

Devil’s Sanctuary and Those Without Wings are purely fantasy, with a paranormal lean (angels and demons, not werewolves and vampires).

If you enjoy a mix of sci-fi and fantasy, both my Tales of a Vernian Youth Series and my Manifestations Series sit in the middle, though Manifestations is a bit more fantasy.

For those of you who prefer more sci-fi with fewer elements of fantasy, check out A Little Bit of Chaos Theory.

I hope you enjoyed learning more about my work and my genre. If so, hit that reply button and let me know whether you prefer fantasy, scifi, or a mix!

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