Magician’s Club – July 2024

Welcome, Magician! July is my birthday month, and I’ve got a new release to share with you. But first, a giveaway, hosted by CL Cannon!

New Release!

Those of you who’ve been around a while know that my main series is Tales of a Vernian Youth, a humorous science fantasy adventure. I’ve been preparing to release Volume 1 (which contains Tales 1-4) slowly but surely. I’m happy to announce that the 4th Tale has been released to ebook.

Replika and Octavian find themselves in a world where robots have trust issues after Teacher stole a crucial magic-powered component. It’s part of something called the Independence Project, but our duo can’t seem to get a straight answer on what they want independence from! As they covertly dive into this mystery, they’ll make new friends, upset some folks, and sneak through a door or two.

For those of you holding out for Volume 1 (which has Tales 1-4), I hope to release that later this year in ebook and some kind of print version. Thanks for your patience as I prepare everything!

Disability Pride Month

July is Disability Pride Month! For those who don’t know, I have a chronic pain condition called small fiber neuropathy, which causes nerve pain throughout my body. I use a wheelchair when not at home, and at home, I get around with a cane or walker (depending on the day).

I also have ADHD, which leads to a lot of challenges in getting things done.

Some of my main characters tend to also have characteristics associated with ADHD or autism, and I’m planning to include characters with limited mobility in upcoming stories. But shhh…pretend I didn’t mention more stories coming soon. It’s a secret.

Happy Birthday to Me!

It’s also my birthday month. 

I’ve never been one to celebrate my birthday. I have no plans other than to take a day or two off of work. What will I do on those days off? That’s a great question! I haven’t decided yet.

But those are plans, so I’m calling it a win!

Love & light,

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