You’re ready to create an infographic. And I’m here to help.

Making an infographic a journey. There are many things to consider: the data you want to represent, the images to include, and the design principles that define the flow.

I’ve curated a path forward, resources that can get you to your first infographic.

Don’t forget, at any point along the way, I have services that can help you. Feel free to contact me to learn more.

Wondering how to start? What kind of things do you need to have?

A fun and interesting topic?

Some data?


Don’t worry. I’m here to help you get started. We can travel this path together.

If you’re struggling to come up with a topic, get past your creative blocks with this post:

That reminds me…

Have you joined my community yet? As a member, you can get access to all my past free resources!

Your topic is really interesting, but also probably really complex.

I have some great tips for breaking down those complex topics!

Don’t forget to grab the worksheet at the end of the post!

You’re doing a great job so far!

To turn this into an infographic, we really need a plan. I’ve got just the thing.

Anatomy of an Infographic

Don’t forget that you need limit the number of words. Crafting a good plan ensures success when you actually sit down and start creating.

Time for a quick check in?

How are those words coming along? Are you feeling good about keeping the text at a minimum?

If you’re still struggling, maybe it’s time to schedule a chat with me. Otherwise…..


Now, how about the graphics part?

I’ve written a whole post about science art & first steps for tackling infographics.

How are you feeling?

I hope you’re feeling that you have a good start. I’m still building a library of resources to help, and I’ll be updating this page as I go along.

But blogs aren’t the only part of that resource!

And remember

Keep Being Amazing!
